Walther Präzision Produktpalette

Press Releases

1. Definition

The term “ATEX” refers to ATmosphères Explosibles (explosive atmospheres). The European Union released the ATEX Directive in order to create the greatest possible protection for health and safety of human beings in explosive surroundings.

The directive comprises two EC/EU guidelines: the 2014/34/EU to harmonize the legislations of the member states for devices and protection systems for the intended use in explosive areas and the guideline 1999/92/EC concerning minimum regulations to improve health protection and the operator’s safety in explosive areas.

Source: European Guidelines for Explosion Protection and the implementation in German legislation. Article no. 114 corresponds to the former article 95, article 153 corresponds to the former article 137 of the E


2. Source of the ATEX Directive

Already released in 1994 as guideline 94/9/EC in the European Union
This guideline was modified in Germany in 1996 into the National Device Safety Regulation.
Due to the new concept of the European Union (New Approach) many of the already released guidelines had to be modified.
Thus, the available guideline 94/9/EG had to be adjusted to the new concept so that the European Union released the guideline 2014/34/EU on February 26, 2014. At the same time, the available guideline was withdrawn. Also, the guideline 2014/34/EU had to be converted into the national law. This happened on January 6, 2016. Ordinance of Product Safety Law (Explosion Protection Ordinance).

3. ATEX Product Guideline 2014/34/EU

In order to achieve the improvement of health protection as well as the operator’s safety, the following application area was fixed in the directive 2014/34/EU:

• Devices and protection systems for the intended use in explosive areas

• Safety, control and regulative equipment for the application outside explosive areas which are necessary for or contribute to the safe operation of devices or protection systems regarding the explosion risks.

• Components provided for the installation in the above-mentioned devices and protection systems.

The definitions of the individual products can be seen in the Guideline 2014/34/EU in item 2.

4. Our Solution

WALTHER quick coupling systems meet the ATEX guidelines within the “EX” version (zone 1, 2, 20 and 21, device group II, device category 2G (gases and vapours) 2D (dusts)). All ATEX-compliant quick coupling systems are marked according to the CE labelling obligation. When delivering ATEX-compliant products, the certificate of conformity is attached. We also send the certificate of conformity directly upon request.

Please always observe the operating manual and accessory information.