Walther Präzision Produktpalette

FAQ - immediate assistance

General questions on the company

What advantages does WALTHER offer?

  • Over 85 years experience
  • Efficiency increase
  • High value products
  • Robust, reliable technology at the highest quality level in over 400,000 variants
  • Diverse series programme
  • Tailor-made, individualised solutions
  • Resources and environmental protection
  • Made in Germany

Where can I purchase WALTHER products?


WALTHER-PRÄZISION is available to assist you with over 50 national and international support centres.

Quality standards at WALTHER-PRÄZISION?

WALTHER has a certified quality management according to:

  • DIN EN ISO 9001
  • DIN EN ISO 13485
  • DIN EN ISO 9100
  • Customised, special qualifications

Sustainability at WALTHER-PRÄZISION?

Resource conservation and ethical behaviour have highest priority at WALTHER. Please note our Guidelines for sustainability.

Environmental management at WALTHER-PRÄZISION?

WALTHER implements Environmental management according to DIN EN ISO 14001.


HSE (Health Safety Environment) are among the most important resources at WALTHER. Please note our HSE-Policy for download.