Walther Präzision Produktpalette

Type 07-003-....-Y32

Quick fit coupling for compact hydraulics in vehicles


Features Type 07-003 - WALclick


Nominal bore:
3 mm

hydraulic oil

Working pressure:
up to 200 bar / 2,900 psi

brass, stainless steel

Special features:
quick fit coupling proven in large-scale production. After bringing together the coupling halves, the coupling locks automatically. Oil-tight version, no leakage

Please urgently seek for advice in the following cases:
• Coupling/uncoupling under residual pressure
• Pulsating pressures
• Use of non-lubricating media
• Temperature-sensitive processes
• Interface reduction
• Special requirements for cleanliness
• Specific certifications
• Non-movable head of liquid
• Highly viscous media
• Optimization of flow rate