Walther Präzision Produktpalette

Type 04-005

Breathing air couplings are not only used in the field of medical applications. They are also used for respirator masks at the fire brigade, in areas exposed to dust or by divers. Suitable materials are stainless steel or brass chrome-plated. There are two non-interchangeable variants, namely one short design (R1) and one longer version (R2).

3D 04-005

Features Type 04-005


Nominal bore:
5 mm

Working pressure:
up to 23 bar / 333 psi (dependent on connection)

breathing air

brass chrome plated

Special features:
coupling one side sealing with automatic lock and integrated automatically engaging tension safety device

Please urgently seek for advice in the following cases:
• Coupling/uncoupling under residual pressure
• Pulsating pressures
• Use of non-lubricating media
• Temperature-sensitive processes
• Interface reduction
• Special requirements for cleanliness
• Specific certifications
• Non-movable head of liquid
• Highly viscous media
• Optimization of flow rate