Walther Präzision Produktpalette

Series LP

Quick couplings for various gaseous and fluid media

3D Serie-LP

Features Series LP

06-003, LP-003, 07-003, LP-004, LV-004, LP-006, SP-006, LP-007, SP-009, LP-012, LP-019, LP-032, LP-050

Nominal bores:
2.5, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 19, 32 and 50 mm

Working pressure:
up 100 bar (single types up to 200 bar) dependent on nominal bore and material; in part also suitable for vacuum

water, compressed air, diverse fluids, fuel, lubricating greases / oils, technical gases

steel and brass with different surface coatings, stainless steel 1.4404 / 1.4571 or similar

Please urgently seek for advice in the following cases:
• Coupling/uncoupling under residual pressure
• Pulsating pressures
• Use of non-lubricating media
• Temperature-sensitive processes
• Interface reduction
• Special requirements for cleanliness
• Specific certifications
• Non-movable head of liquid
• Highly viscous media
• Optimization of flow rate