Walther Präzision Produktpalette

Offshore Technology

The Requirements

Long service life, extreme corrosion resistance and simple handling under adverse conditions – these are just some of the demands made on quick coupling systems by the offshore industry. Furthermore, the design of couplings for underwater application must be suitable for handling by divers or ROV manipulators.

Our Solutions


Our quick coupling systems allow for fast connection and separation of fluid, gas and electrical lines on drilling platforms and subsea. Special sealing systems ensure leak-free operation in order to protect the environment. Power assisted locking systems allow for convenient handling of couplings with large nominal bores. Our couplings have proven their worth in remote-controlled systems at great ocean depths. Special sealing technologies and materials achieve a service life of 25 to 30 years.

ROV-operable quick couplings for gas lines, hydraulic controllers and feeding of process chemicals

Diver-operable quick connect couplings with round thread for reliable function in case of unfavourable conditions

ROV multi-couplings for deep sea applications

Manually operated multi-couplings for workover systems

Emergency disconnect units separate the line connection in a planned and controlled manner by means of a specific signal

Docking system for Offshore Applications. For quick and safe disconnection between FPSO and production buoy in case of emergency.