Walther Präzision Produktpalette


Carl Kurt Walther GmbH & Co. KG
Westfalenstraße 2
42781 Haan

Telefon: +49 (0) 2129 567-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2129 567-450

Registered office of the limited partnership: Haan
Registry court Wuppertal HRA 19141

Managing director: Henning D. Walther, Richard H. Walther
VAT Identification number: DE 121105414

Personally-liable shareholder: Walther Industrie-Verwaltung GmbH, Sitz Haan
Registergericht: Wuppertal HRB 13982

Editorial responsibility: Petra Braun

Terms of Use & Disclaimer

This website is the subject of the following Terms of Use, which are binding in the relationship between you (hereinafter: "User") and us (hereinafter referred to as "Service Provider") when you access this website. Any special conditions for individual uses of this website deviating from the following Terms of Use will be expressly stated on the website. In addition, the special conditions of use apply in each individual case.

1. Copyrights
This website contains data and information of all kinds which are protected by trademark and/or copyright law in favor of the service provider or in individual cases in favor of third parties. It is therefore not permitted to download, reproduce and distribute the website in whole or in part, except for the technical reproduction for the purpose of browsing, insofar as this action is not for economic purposes, and the permanent duplication for its own use. It is further permitted to put a link on this website, as long as it serves only as a cross reference. The Service Provider reserves the right to revoke the permission. The framing of this website is not permitted.

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The Service Provider assumes liability for the content of its website in accordance with statutory provisions. Although the information has been compiled to the best of our knowledge, no guarantee is given for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information on the website. The Service Provider also reserves the right to make any changes or additions to the information provided without prior notice.

The information retrievable on these online pages does not replace individual advice, but merely serves as general information. The Service Provider is not liable for any direct or indirect damages, including loss of profit, arising out of or in any other manner in connection with information provided on this website.

References and links to third party websites do not imply that the Service Provider accepts the content behind the referral or link. The contents do not constitute responsibility of the Service Provider for the data and information held there. The Service Provider has no influence on the content behind the link. Therefore, the Service Provider is not liable for unlawful, incorrect or incomplete contents and for damages caused by the use of content located behind the link.

3. Disturbances to services
The use of the Internet is at the user's own risk. Above all, the service provider is not liable for the technical failure of the Internet or any online access.

4. Legal venue
The place of jurisdiction is, if the contracting party is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a public-law special fund, at the registered office of the Service Provider. German law applies to the exclusion of the UN purchase law.

5. Miscellaneous
The Service Provider reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use from time to time and to adapt them to technical and legal developments.

6. Picture credits
Walther site photos

Siemens Medical Solutions